Scavenger Hunt Bingo!

I am getting prepared for our vacation and have my 3 tagalongs to keep busy and happy while we are “on the go” all day today.

First, a protein filled breakfast to keep the hunger monster from creeping in too soon.  An egg/veggie scramble and Greek yogurt with strawberries will do the trick!

Next, I have our 8 stop route all planned with potty breaks and a picnic lunch at the park!

The actual shopping is the tricky part.. How to keep them from boredom while I’m trying on clothes, or reading food labels?

SCAVENGER HUNT BINGO!  I have 3 sheets with words and/or pictures, age appropriate for each kiddo.  When they see the item, they check it off.  When they get a bingo, they get a small prize I have with me.  It is fun for all 3 of them and will keep them busy at each stop!

justamomonthego bingo

Heading out now, check out our Instagram  progress throughout the day!

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